The Real Estate Investing 7 Step Guide
The biggest question most Real Estate investors ask is: How are other investors finding Real Estate Deals? Lets face it Real Estate Investing is hard. Like most investors you probably dream about gaining passive income by buying an investment property. Maybe you just want to purchase a cash flowing property or you want to eventually quit your 9 to 5 job and focus on Real Estate investing full time. Whatever your reasons you know that Real Estate has the potential to change your life but first you have to find a property to purchase.
If you’re like most you may be searching the MLS and online and there are no real estate investing deals to be found. In this guide I will go over the 7 steps to finding Real Estate Investing Deals and explain how other investors are finding Real Estate Deals.
Here is an overview of what we will be talking about:
1) The formula for finding real estate deals
2) Who you need to have on your team
3) How to find experts and what to ask
4) How to get recommendations from experts
5) How to find experts who are investors
6) How to use marketing to find off market deals near you
Step 1 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
The Formula For Finding Real Estate Deals

Find Experts
To begin finding deals you have to find the experts. Using the information in each section of this post you will learn how to build your Real Estate team. I will touch on each expert you need on you Real Estate Investing Team and why they are important to have on your team.
I also will include sample questions you can ask each expert. Questions are not enough though you also need the answers that you want to hear from them I will have a sample of those answers in each section.
Ask For Recommendations
The next step after finding your first expert is to ask for recommendations. For example, if you talk to a Real Estate agent ask them if they have any recommendations for a mortgage broker or attorney. Any expert that you still need is going to be who you ask for recommendations. As you are able to talk to more experts and interview them properly you will get more recommendations for better people to work with. The 1st or 3rd expert you talk to may not be a good fit but the more recommendations you get the closer you will be to finding someone who is better quality.
Another large advantage of asking for recommendations is that no one wants to give a bad recommendation since that would hurt their reputation. That helps you be able to find high quality experts who can help you find deals.
Find Experts Who Are Active Investors
The next step in this process is to find those experts who are active Real Estate investors themselves. This will increase your chances of the expert being able to help you find off market deals. The truth of the matter is there are too many people involved in Real Estate who don’t know what they are talking about. For many careers there is a low barrier to entry to seem like an expert in Real Estate, so being able to find those people who are excellent can hinge on whether they are investors themselves.
Then you have the marketing side of the house, which is the second portion of Real Estate Investing after you find all of your experts. Combining marketing with your Real Estate team is the gas that can get your dreams on fire, because your give yourself multiple opportunities to succeed. As you market though you are still keeping up with your experts and following up with them to be able to see if they have any quality marketing deals. The mistake that many people make is that they are only doing one or the other. Building relationships or marketing,and without both you don’t give yourself the chance to succeed.
Connect With Community
One last key component to be successful is to have a community and to keep learning from others. That is why I have a Finances For Everyone Facebook group that you can connect with to ask questions share problems as well as share your successes. Not only can you connect with other students but you can connect with me can share any questions or concerns you may have. Here is your link to the Finances For Everyone Facebook group and be sure to connect with myself and other investors there.
If you want even more free information on finding Real Estate Deals download your free copy of The Real Estate Deal Finding Toolkit Intro Guide
Step 2 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
Who You Need To Have On Your Team

Before you can start finding Real estate Deals you need to know who to have on your team so you can start building the experts around you. The first one is fairly obvious but none the less important, and that is a Real estate Agent.
If you want some more info download my free info graphic showing you all the team members you need on your team with additional questions you can ask. To the right is a quick preview.

Real Estate Agent
A Real Estate agent is arguably one of the most important people on your team because they not only help you find a house but they deal with all of the other aspects of buying a house the right way. Taking the time to find a good agent can make o break your Real Estate Investing career.
Mortgage Broker
An excellent mortgage broker is going to be a huge help to have on your team. If you don’t have the cash to buy a deal then you need to reach out to a mortgage broker to help you get the financing. Since you can’t even get started with out money picking the right broker is going to help you close on deals faster.
To legally buy a house you need to have an attorney that knows what they are doing and can do a title search and all of the paperwork to close on your house fast with out a bunch of hassle. Get lazy and pick a bad one and you can be opening yourself up to all kinds of problems in the future.
Community Banker
A community banker can be a great asset to your team because very often community bankers can offer more attractive loan terms then most big banks out there. This can help you to use creative financing to buy properties. You may even be able to close a deal that wasn’t possible with a normal bank!
Home Inspector
A home inspector will help to make sure you know everything that is wrong with your property before you buy it. Pick a bad one who cuts corners and you can be in for a lot of trouble down the line when you find a crack in the foundation that they missed.
Having a good appraiser can make or break your deal. If he appraises a property too low then you can’t get a loan for the purchase price. If you want to refinance a loan after you fix a property up and the numbers are not what were expected then you never get your money back.
Finding a quality handy man or contractor is key in your investing career because things always need to be fixed. If they cut corners then you will have never ending headaches. Find a good one and it can be a goldmine!
Unfortunately, taxes are always going to be a thing. Having an excellent CPA that understands Real Estate can save you thousands a year in taxes. Have a bad one and you can get crushed by all the taxes you may have to pay on capital gains and other taxes.
Property Manager
If you are renting property then you want to ensue the person managing your property is doing quality management. If they are low quality then your investment could ultimately suffer in the long term. There are always more people to have on your team when you are Real Estate investing, but these are the key members that you want to include. Remember when finding experts, you need to treat them as an employee because you will be paying them your hard-earned money!
To see more team members you could add to your team download the free Info-graphic.
Step 3 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
How To Find Experts And What To Ask

Part of the challenge to building your team is how to find experts. If you are new to Real Estate Investing it is likely that you have no contacts so you will be starting from scratch. There is a method you can use having zero contacts and that method is twofold. First you can start with your Real Estate Agent and get a recommendation from a friend or family member for someone they have used. Secondly you can simply do a google search for top agents in your area and then call the first one you see. Now likely the first person you call will not be a good lead. But what you do is ask them for recommendations, which we will go deeper into detail in the next section.
Bottom Line
Bottom line is as you ask for recommendations from more experts you will start to get high quality leads on your team. As you call experts you need to know what to ask them. Below are some sample questions and answers that you can ask each expert to be able to interview them. The key is to interview at least 5 people for each team member. For your broker, community banker and real estate agent you may want to interview 10 since they are your most important team members. Just remember through this process don’t let your self get rushed. Once your get rushed you will settle on someone not right for your Real Estate Investing career.
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Sample Questions To Start Your Real Estate Investing Team
Real Estate Agent
How long have you been in real estate? This is one of the first questions you want to ask because there are a lot of inexperienced agents out there trying to sell themselves as more experienced then they are. You want an agent with as much experience as you can because you are trusting them to be able to find deals for you.
Do you make your living in real estate? You don’t want an agent that is doing this as a side gig. You want them to be responsive and dedicated to helping you find deals.
If you want more questions you can ask then download: "12 Must Ask Real Estate Agent Questions" for free. To the right is a quick preview of the 12 Question Info-Graphic.

Mortgage Broker
Can you put together 100% financing? Being able to find a broker who can put together 100% financing is rare but even if they can get do better then 80% can be extremely beneficial.
Is refinancing a major part of your business? Refinancing is one of the easiest parts of being a broker and if this is a major part of their business then stay away! You want a more experienced broker who gets their money closing loans.
How long do your closings take? The closings should take less then 30 days. The shorter the better but only if they have a good team in place. You don’t want them rushing closings if they don’t have a team or they could make a ton of mistakes.
Do you work with investors? You definitely want you attorney to work with investors because they will be more likely to work with you if you are trying to purchase a property with creative financing or special terms vs one who only sells people primary homes.
Community Banker
Can you lend on Loan to Value instead of the contract price? If you can find a community banker that is flexible enough to loan on the LTV instead of the contract price then you will be able to not only borrow on the purchase price of the property, but you can get the repair money loaned to you. This will save the amount of cash you have to come up with out of your own pocket.
Home Inspector
How long have you been inspecting homes? You want to find an inspector that has been inspecting homes in your area over a year at least so that you know they have some level of experience.
What did you do before inspecting homes? Sometimes home inspectors will have less than one-year experience but they may have been a contractor before. Finding out their back ground can help you decide if they have enough experience in their prior career.
Are you FHA approved? You definitely want them FHA approved it means they have taken the time to improve their skills as an appraiser and they are higher quality.
How many houses have you appraised in this neighborhood? If they normally don’t work in the area that you are buying in then they very likely don’t understand your market and may make mistakes appraising your home.
Are you licensed? If you are looking for a contactor you want to make sure they are licensed, and that you get their license number and check it out to be sure they are legit.
Do you have any prior customers/references I can speak with? The biggest red flag for any contractor or handy man is if they won’t give you references. This probably means they don’t do good work.
What kind of real estate tax law knowledge do you have? You want this answer to be specific enough that you can gage if they actually have a good amount of knowledge.
Do you understand the impact of capital gains on real estate sales and how to mitigate that expense? Here is where you can test them on one important aspect of Real Estate Investing knowledge. If they were good at lying in the first question this will help you to determine if what they are saying is true.
Property Manager
What steps do you take to market properties? The more comprehensive the better for their marketing strategy. You will be able to tell very quickly if they don’t know what they are talking about so you should probably stay away!
How long are your properties vacant for? The shorter the better as you talk to more property managers you will be able to see who stands out from the crowd with how quickly they fill vacancies.
For even more questions you can ask click here for a free download.
Step 4 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
How To Get Recommendations From Experts

Now that you have called experts and asked them questions you need to extend your reach beyond just who you find on google. Some of the best Real Estate agents and other experts have a very small online presence. The only way to find them is to get a recommendation. After you google that first Real Estate agent and after your conversation be sure to ask them for any other experts you still need. For example, ask them for a mortgage broker they work with regularly. Their recommendations should start to get you high quality experts.
The agent should want to give you their best recommendation because a bad recommendation would reflect badly on their business. Then once you call up the mortgage broker you can ask them for their recommendations for a Real Estate agent or any other expert you still need. As you start to call more and more people you will start to get better leads who will work best for you Real Estate Investing business.
Step 5 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
How To Find Experts Who Are Investors

Another key portion to interviewing your experts are ensuring they are Real Estate Investors themselves. The reason for this is a Real Estate investor is going to understand what you want in an investment. A non-investor is more likely to try to get you to buy a house that isn’t a deal. An investor most likely has more contacts in the area and is more likely to come across off market deals, which is what you want.
Every time you talk to an expert you need to make sure you are asking them if they are a Real Estate investor and what kind of investing, they do. That isn’t to say you have to have everyone on your team be an investor. However, the more experts that are investors and understand what you are trying to do the better.
Check out The Real Estate Deal Finding Toolkit Here For More Free Resources
Step 6 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
Use Marketing To Find Off Market Deals Near You

Once you find experts it is time to dive into the huge topic of marketing your Real Estate Deals. While I can’t go over everything in this post, I will mention some key tips to marketing for Real Estate Investing Deals.
Driving For Dollars
Driving for dollars is a great way to find deals in your area. It is even better because it is free except for the gas used to drive around.
- Scout out your area for the best neighborhoods for real estate investing.
- Drive around until you find vacant houses long grass in the yard, excess mail, boarded up windows etc.
- Check with the neighbors to find out who owns the property.
- If the owner no longer lives there look online to find out if you can track down their address or phone number.
- Check the property records at the court house to see if they have a deferent address on file.
- Send a letter to the address to the property owner asking them to contact you if they are interested in selling.
Mail/ Email Marketing
Check online to find Real Estate lists of out of state owners and send them a letter seeing if they are interested in selling their property. You can also get lists online for owners who have investment properties and see if they are ready to sell. There are lots of terms that you can search for to send owners letters.
Check your local laws before you put signs up in your area. You can make signs saying that you buy Real Estate with your name and phone number. Then place the signs near 4 way stop signs in your area. You can also put them in supermarkets and other places through-out your area to increase your leads.
Phone Marketing
As you get leads calling you be sure to thoroughly interview them asking all the details about their property. You don’t want to waste your time looking at properties that won’ work for you. That is why thoroughly interviewing them will limit the amount of time you have to spend looking at properties that don’t work for you.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a huge topic that takes along time to master. However, you can take a couple of steps to increase your leads online. One easy way is to create a Facebook ad focusing on your town and collect peoples email or phone information indicating they are interested in selling their home. Additionally, Google Ads allow you to target your town to be able to gain leads.
Networking at Real estate investor meetings is another free way to be able to get in contact with other like-minded investors in your area. By going online, you can search for meetings in your area.
Rewards Flyer/Business Card
Create a business card or reward flyer indicating that you will offer a cash reward for any off market deals that people bring to you if you end up buying the property. By doing this you will have more people willing to look for deals for you.
These are a few ways that you can start to find Real Estate investing deals in your area. There are always more ways to market and find deals but these are some key ways you can start to find deals today!
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Step 7 To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
How To Follow Up With Experts

Once you have called at least 5 people per expert and you have your marketing in place it is time to follow up with your experts to see if they have off market deals. Now that you have a large list of experts who are investors and you feel comfortable working with you need to make sure that they know what you are looking for. If they run across a deal you want to be the first person that they think of because either you have been extremely specific in what you are looking for or because you have given them a rewards business card and they have a financial incentive to send deals your way.
One way to make sure your experts are clear on your Real Estate investing goals is to not only tell them what specific neighborhoods you are looking for but to let them know the type of property you want, and how much work you are willing to do to fix it up. For example, you can tell them I want I 3 bed 2 bath house in xyz neighborhood. It needs to be under $150,000 with the ability to sell for 200,000 after no more than $20,000 in repairs.
You also can be less specific, but just realize if they bring you exactly what you asked for you need to do your due diligence on the property so that you are not wasting their time. You could say something like I will buy either 2 bed 1 bath to a 3 bed 2 bath no more then $150,000. Just realize you may have houses brought to you that are in undesirable neighborhoods. Now that your experts know what you want you need to periodically follow up with them through email or phone to let them know you are still looking for properties in your area.
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Summary On How To Find Real Estate Investing Deals
I hope you enjoyed this intro guide on how to find Real Estate Deals. Finding deals can be hard but if you follow these steps, I believe that you can be successful in your Real Estate Investing Career! Sign up here for your free guide with Info-graphic on How To Find Real Estate Deals.
Also check out the Finances For Everyone YouTube Channel for videos and posts on Real estate Investing and other topics.
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Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂